Validation Of The Sparkol Videoscribe Media Development Based On Problem Based Learning In Integrated Thematic Learning In Grade IV Elementary School


  • Ultari Cantika Erman Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
  • Reinita Reinita Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia



Sparkol Videoscribe is a generating application that creates learning videos with the characteristics of hand movements, animations, or other interesting images. The research objective is to develop the Sparkol Videoscribe media for integrated thematic learning for fourth-grade elementary school students based on problem-based learning. The research and development of the ADDIE model includes the steps of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Sparkol Videoscribe media tested for validity on the material aspect, language aspect, and media aspect with data collection techniques using a questionnaire by an expert validator. The research involved 15 fourth-grade students of the UNP laboratory elementary school as product trial test subjects. The result is the Sparkol Videoscribe media obtained an overall percentage of the validity test of 91% with the eligibility category. Every aspect is eligible by the proportion of material aspect validity being 95%, linguistic aspect 93.7%, and media aspect 84%. The conclusion of Sparkol Videoscribe media in integrated thematic learning in grade IV Elementary School is valid or feasible to use.




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