Implementasi Metode Outdoor Learning Pada Muatan IPA Kelas III Sekolah Dasar Negeri 111/I Kecamatan Muara Bulian Kabupaten Batanghari Jambi


  • Agustian Susanto Universitas Jambi, Indonesia
  • Arsil Universitas Jambi, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Sholeh Universitas Jambi, Indonesia




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan implementasi metode Outdoor Learning pada muatan IPA Kelas III SD dan (2) mendeskripsikan apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat terhadap implementasi metode Outdoor Learning pada muatan IPA kelas III SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian fenomenologi Sumber data dari penelitian, yaitu kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan metode outdoor learning pada muatan IPA. Peneliti memperoleh data menggunakan instrumen pengumpulan data melalui tiga teknik, yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Penelitian menggunakan uji validitas yaitu triangulasi teknik. Hasil temuan yang diperoleh; (1) Implementasi metode outdoor learning pada muatan IPA, guru telah melaksanakan tahapan metode ini diantaranya tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. (2) Faktor pendukung dan penghambat implementasi metode outdoor learning, meliputi sarana, prasarana dan waktu. Berdasarkan hasil yang telah didapat, maka disimpulkan Implementasi metode outdoor learning pada muatan IPA kelas III SD yakni guru mampu melaksanakan tahapan dan langkah metode outdoor learning.

Kata Kunci: Metode Outdoor Learning, IPA, Sekolah Dasar



This research aims to (1) describe the implementation of the Outdoor Learning method in the science content of Class III Elementary School and (2) describe the supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of the Outdoor Learning method in the science content of Class III Elementary School. This research uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological type of research. The data source from the research is learning activities using outdoor learning methods on science content. Researchers obtained data using data collection instruments through three techniques, namely observation, interviews and document study. The research uses a validity test, namely triangulation techniques. The findings obtained; (1) Implementing the outdoor learning method for science content, the teacher has implemented the stages of this method including the planning, implementation and evaluation stages. (2) Supporting and inhibiting factors for implementing outdoor learning methods, including facilities, infrastructure and time. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the implementation of the outdoor learning method in science content for class III elementary school means that the teacher is able to carry out the stages and steps of the outdoor learning method.

Keywords: Outdoor Learning Methods, Science, Elementary School




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